Archive for the ‘Publishing-general’ Category

Arima Author Invited to Speak at Mere Literary Festival

Friday, October 16th, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549381

Ron Burrows, author of the Jack Easton novels: An American Exile and Fortune’s Hostage will be speaking at the Mere Literary Festival on Saturday, 17 October 2009. Ron has been invited to talk about his experiences of publishing and writing fiction.

Ron’s first two books have been highly regarded. Set in eighteenth century England and colonial America, they tell the story of Jack Easton, a Portland stone mason, wrongly convicted and transported to Maryland. The third novel in the series is currently a work-in-progress.

For more information see:

Rob recognised as a true eccentric

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549353

Rob Lowe, author of A True British Eccentric, an amusing account of his somewhat original approach to life, was announced as runner up in the Eccentric Club’s Greatest British Eccentric of the Year Award 2009. Rob did take the honour of English Eccentric of the year 2009 and will be working hard to maintain his challenge in 2010 - we look forward to reading about it!

Playing footsie with the FTSE?

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549397

The latest Special Edition issue of Ethical Space looks at the financial crash of 2008 and the crisis in financial journalism. The crash saw the world economy on the edge of meltdown after the collapse of Lehman Brothers on 15 September. The banks were on the brink; the cash machines worldwide were about to be shut off. In the end, the global economy was saved - but at a huge long-term cost. Why did so few politicians, economists and academics see the Great Crash coming and why did so few journalists report it in advance?

In Playing footsie with the FTSE? the movers and shakers of financial journalism try to give some explanation. The BBC’s Robert Peston, the Daily Mail’s Alex Brummer, the Banker’s Brian Caplen and 15 other leading commentators try to answer why so few journalists predicted the global economic crash of 2008.

Book titles that are selling in recession

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

A number of arima titles have seen an upturn in sales and the biting recession may be a contibutory factor. Whilst the advice and information provided in these books is useful at any time, their relevance may have been accentuated in recent times as more people find their career and life directions being changed by the affects of the recession.

published book ISBN:184549372A key title is Janet Davies’ Rebuilding your life after redundancy the New Life Network guide to getting back on track after redundancy. As well as the book the New Life Network web site ( ) provides invaluable resources to help with everything from finding a new job to setting up your own business.

published book ISBN:184549326SORTED! by Jane Wheeler is an easy to read, practical guide about the fundamentals of financial planning. It takes the reader through a logical process which is designed to improve their feeling of wellbeing and give them a greater understanding and confidence about their personal finances.

published book ISBN:184549093Steve Miller, business and motivational guru, has gained a high media profile since the release of his best selling life style book Get off your Arse and loose weight. You Selling You is a programme that provides a thorough yet practical insight into the tools needed to sell yourself. It explains and shows you how to use techniques that can be used for many real life situations including; job interviews, sales meetings, delivering presentations, building relationships with new people, and promoting yourself as one of the best.

arima author’s two book deal with major publisher

Monday, September 21st, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549093

Arima author Steve Miller (You Selling You) has secured a two book deal with major publisher Hodder Headline. The two titles (Get Off Your Arse and Lose Weight & Get Off Your Arse and Grab That New Job) have been well received and seen as a refreshing alternative approach in the self-help and life style genres.

Hunter shortlisted at book festival

Thursday, June 11th, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549333

The 2009 New York Book Festival ( gave Hunter an honourable mention in the fiction category.

Hunter wins book award

Thursday, June 11th, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549333

‘Hunter’, by Campbell Jefferys, has won the general fiction category of the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and finished runner-up in the overall fiction category. The full list of winners is available on the Indie Book Awards website (

Fish Sunday Thinking reaches landmark

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549031

Worldwide sales of Fish Sunday Thinking have now passed $120,000 which is a fantastic achievement for Alex Gilmore with his debut novel. Alex has just completed his second novel which is being considered by a number of major publishers.

‘Bush Pilots’ reviewed in Flypast

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549095

Roy Watson’s ‘Bush Pilots do it in Fours’ has been reviewed in Flypast Magazine.

Flirting with the BBC

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
published book ISBN:978184549115

Steve Hedger was interviewed about his guide to flirting book ‘Catch’ on BBC Radio and is talking to a number of national publications about articles based on his book.