Publish |
you have a book in you, arima will help you share
it with the world.
The development of digital print-on-demand technology
has opened up the publishing market to many new authors
who traditionally have struggled to get support from the
mainstream industry. Authors no longer need to print large
quantities of books to get published; the new processes
can print individual copies to order.
With publishing opportunities now requiring only a
minimal financial investment, many more authors have
access to the market and projects that could never have
been cost-effective in the past are becoming success
stories in the new information age.
The print-on-demand process also means books never
need to go out of print. There is also no need for quantities
of stock to be held as books are only printed to order.
However, whilst print-on-demand has many advantages
it does not necessarily suit all types of book. Currently,
the process available does not allow for internal colour;
pictures and diagrams are limited to black and grey
scale. Also, because all book pages are printed on the
same non-glossy paper, black and white photographs may
have a slightly grainy appearance. Technology continues
to progress though, and improvements are coming on-stream
all the time.