Inspector Beppe Stancato, driven from his native Calabria by threats from his local mafia, finds himself appointed commissario in the town of Pescara, in Abruzzo, just prior to the earthquake which struck the mountain capital city of L’Aquila in 2009.
The unexpected discovery of a twenty-two year old girl, lying drugged and unconscious, sparks off a complex investigation involving a seismologist accused of manslaughter and a fugitive mafia boss suspected of involvement in illegal building contracts. The girl is soon nicknamed ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ by the investigating team - after the Gran Sasso mountain range, uncannily reminiscent of the prone figure of a sleeping woman.
Beppe is faced with the task of saving the girl whilst outwitting the crooked seismologist and the wily Mafioso. His own personal life is anything but straightforward. Will he be able to live up to the expectations of his new team of police officers whilst dealing with the shadows of his own past life?
The intriguing plot has many twists and turns leading to a tense climax. The story is laced with humour and exalts the spectacular scenery and cuisine of this central region of Italy. |