The Turn of the Tide
Margaret Henderson Smith

6.14 x 9.21 inches (156 x 234 mm)
322 pages
ISBN: 9781845496487
The Turn of the Tide
The dinner party, an unexpected guest, Joris Sanderson’s past comes back to haunt him, now woven into a thread of lies. It’s imperative the mystery of “Amber” is solved. He has too much on his mind. He’s hosting the PM’s daughter’s wedding; the last thing he needs is Harriet’s mother broadcasting it to the press. It’s a private affair with good reason, the political stakes are high. Favours for favours, he wants Barry Giordano of MI6 out of Harriet’s life for good but can the PM oblige? Joris Sanderson is uncomfortable and not without good reason. He’s yet to learn of Rapping Hammer’s evil scheming, maliciously sucking in his PhD student Ross Farquerhart. He’s yet to learn his past has been viciously tumbled out to Harriet, his “beautiful amber butterfly”. That damned dinner party, the chaos theory proved but will it prove too much for Harriet? Will she decide to flutter from his life?
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