David examines a future more extensive internet involvement in politic’s, as IMPAR grows it touches the security organisations of MI5, NSA, TAO and other nationalities of spooks who resist change being brought on by the masses, that play the APP and follow IMPAR. Cyberattack’s and unusual incidents happen to various characters of the book as a result of increased popularity of IMPAR. Short plays across various Universities in UK are made by the increased following and you often hear the words IMPAR! IMPAR! IMPAR being shouted aloud, across the campus as membership of the IMPARTIAL movement grows even further.
IMPAR is from Luios XIV, Nec Pluibus impar. ‘not unequal to many’, or in today’s language IMPARTIAL, impartial in politics, impartial in decisions, impartial in advice.
It involves 2 main characters, Grant who dreams up and creates with his new team the internet idea/company and Jennifer a fast tracker in DFID and FMCG’s who then moves into politics after reorganisation and an overseas incident.
The characters visit many overseas places and events happen in most. It is a novel, that makes an interesting read and a glimpse of what could happen in the future.
David Draude was a fast tracker himself, worked mainly in Europe & mostly Africa as CEO for major companies in various countries, his last posting was in Tanzania for 4 years, a career that enabled him to touch a very broad section of people from Presidents to the poor in the villages across Africa, he was also President for Rotary in Malawi and on various think tanks in developing Africa. |