“Was it insanity or enlightenment on Mike’s own road to Damascus?”
He was 40, a dispensing chemist, when he allowed himself and his psyche to be scrutinised by professionals. He describes his journey in raw human detail, free of the usual psychobabble. His experience is recounted without the trendy need to blame parents or Society. Michael Reynolds’ view is positive. For him it was, and remains, a mindful experience of enlighenment. The author gained thinking space, allowing a quiet contemplation of life’s purpose. This account may well raise questions for the reader, amongst them; “What is normal?”, “How truthful are we with our own psyche?”, “How open are we to appraisal by others?” “I feel privileged to have read the original draft.” A READER’S COMMENT ‘Seeing the Light’ is a saying that is commonly used, it means different things to different people. In this book, the author explains the details of what it means to him and the dramatic effect on his thinking as a result of experiencing it. |