God Does Play Dice with the Universe
Gao Shan

6.14 x 9.21 inches (156 x 234 mm)
140 pages
ISBN: 9781845492663
God Does Play Dice with the Universe
Science has made a mighty advance since it originated in ancient Greece more than 2500 years ago. Yet we still live in Plato's cave today; we think everything around us moves continuously, but continuous motion is merely a shadow of real motion. This book will lead you to walk out the cave along a logical and comprehensible road. After passing Zeno's arrow, Newton's inertia, Einstein's light, and Schrödinger's cat, you will reach the real world, where every thing in the universe, whether it is an atom or a ball or even a star, ceaselessly jumps in a random and discontinuous way. In a famous metaphor, God does play dice with the universe. The new discovery may finally solve Zeno's paradoxes and the quantum puzzle, and it will deeply change our view of the world.

Its very existence is at any rate, an excellent illustration of the extent to which physical data force us to depart from commonsense ideas when we try to depict reality 'as it really is.
---- Bernard d'Espagnat, University of Paris, Orsay

The idea of using discontinuous motion as a realist interpretation of quantum mechanics is original.
---- Reviewer of Foundations of Physics

I fully agree with your idea of discontinuous movement.
---- Antoine Suarez, Center for Quantum Philosophy, Zurich

If it goes through, this would be an original and significant contribution to the debate over the nature of motion.
---- Reviewer of American Philosophical Quarterly

A sense of relief at last! Gao has done it, with no metaphysics and magic. He seems to have no life-style to justify and no axe to grind against any belief system. Then pure physics and objectivity prevails.
---- Ph.D. Philip P. Benjamin
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