This book is full of questions.
When you read it think of what happens to you personally. Use your senses to feel the hairs standing up on the back of your neck. It starts very slowly, creeping, crawling until the mere thought of it can turn your stomach. Imagine the sights you’ll see; the horror within the horror.
The lives of the people in the story change forever, never to be the same again. Yet there is love, love of the people, the union of hearts, the joy of giving, supporting one another and hope against all the odds to survive this terrible monster from outer space; something that can only be heard, never to be seen. An unknown phenomenon with stealth cunning and all too huge to fight. No single person can kill it. It is with us all for eternity. We must keep it for ourselves and let no one take it from us.
We know where it came from. But where is it going? How long must we fight it? When we are under attack, do we do nothing and let it be or do we fight for our lives?
You decide… |