Offering a range of quality services, tailored to the specific needs of the first time author through to those of the seasoned professional
If you have a book in you,
arima will help you share it with the world

At arima we pay premium royalties and authors receive these for every copy of their book that they sell. The royalty figures refer to the full cover price of the book (NB - this is not the net receipt value that is often quoted which, for any given percentage, produces a smaller author payment).

Type of Sale

Premium Royalty Rate
Direct Sales from arima 30%
General Sales (eg Amazon) 20%
Books that are sold through arima enjoy a higher royalty because there is no payment to the distributor and usual retailer discounts do not apply.

Example - for a book with a cover price of £11.00 the author receives:
£3.30 per copy - for sales made through arima
£2.20 per copy - for sales through the traditional channels

Royalties are paid to the author on a quarterly basis and are subject to a minimum payment of £100. Where an author's royalties are under £100 in any given quarter, the amount due is rolled forward to the next quarter. For all authors, the fourth quarter payment includes all the royalties that are outstanding, even if these total less than the £100 minimum that normally applies.
Author discounts

Authors will often want to acquire copies of their work to sell themselves or to distribute to friends, reviewers etc. Authors can purchase copies of their book through arima and these are offered at the following discounts:

1-9 copies 30%
10-49 copies 40%
50+ copies 50%
Personal Sales Example - for a book with a cover price of £11.00 the author will secure the following margins on the sales that they make:
£3.30 per copy - for books acquired at a 30% discount
£4.40 per copy - for books acquired at a 40% discount
£5.50 per copy - for books acquired at a 50% discount

(note: these figures do not include postage and packing)
Cover Prices

Approximate cover prices for paperback books

US dollars
48-75 £6.99 $12.50 €10.49
76-108 £7.99 $14.50 €11.99
109-150 £8.49 $15.50 €12.75
151-179 £8.99 $16.50 €13.49
180-200 £9.99 $17.99 €14.99
201-249 £10.99 $19.99 €16.49
250-299 £11.99 $21.50 €17.99
300-349 £12.99 $23.50 €19.49
350-399 £13.99 $24.99 €20.99
400-499 £14.99 $26.99 €22.49
500-599 £16.99 $30.50 €25.49
600-699 £19.99 $35.99 €29.99
700-748 £21.99 $39.50 €32.99
These guide cover prices are based on B format or Demy sized, paperback books. For larger books or hardback versions, please contact us for further details.

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